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Help me?

AriellaEdna July 2, 2016 8:14 am

Hello guys,
I'm sorry it's not about manga, but I'm looking for viewfinder series fiction in LiveJournal. I'm not familiar with LiveJournal so, it's hard for me to search the fiction, I come across the fiction 2 years ago at that time I was crazy with viewfinder series. recently I starting to have urge to read it again, but unfortunately I can't find it, so I will write everything that I remember about the story and please help me if any of you know about it.

If I'm not mistaken the tittle is 'mobile' , but I might be wrong... so the story start at overseas, I think asami and akihito go vacation in overseas but lost contact with kirishima and other bodyguard, so at one point to rent a hotel room near beach for a few days of maybe a week ( they have a lot of sex), until akihito realized they doesn't have enough money to stay there anymore.

After that, they check out and there is a twin girl give them a lift until they find a restaurant ( burger shop I think), the twin left them there. Asami and akihito decided to eat there ( maybe they get the cheapest food in the menu), and the waitress start to flirt with asami or akihito I don't remember.Because of that asami decided to ask a favor; he said that they don't have a place to stay and ask the girl if she know where can the live for free for a while, and then she show them a cottage I think in the forest? near a lake, she said it belong to he uncle but was abandoned?.

I remember after that asami and akihito start to clean in and otside the area, aki bring the bed sheet form the hotel they perivious stay ( naughty boy) and clean it there so they can use it to sleep at night, asami build a bath tub behind the cottage and put a fireword underneath to make it hot bath tub.

something like that, I think the fiction is not finish yet, so if any of you know about this fiction, please help me ╥﹏╥ Thanks
