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We can all agree that Horus has no personal intention of raping Seth, but his deep infatua...

ᴶᴵᴺᴶᴵ June 6, 2021 9:17 am

We can all agree that Horus has no personal intention of raping Seth, but his deep infatuation with Seth is distressing enough that he pokes his nose in any of Seth's affairs and constantly hovers around Seth.

This behavior of Horus seems like how Osiris had acted in the past, with his own deep infatuation and lust for Seth that caused Seth distress. I'm not saying that shipping Horus and Seth together is bad, if you do wish to ship the two then so be it, but rather I feel the hurt and immense suffering Seth went through, enough to feel distressed by someone who dared to kill your only son, stripped you off you divine powers, raped you, and mocked you. I doubt Horus even wants Seth to get what he desires the most, which is to be with his family.

That's all thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

    Sachaelx June 7, 2021 5:06 am

    no no you got a point, its even back up by the scene where Horus nearly kills Anubis knowing fully well what he meant to Seth, i don't ship Horus and Seth at all in fact i actually dislike the ship, Horus' behavior is EXTREMELY distressing to me so I cant say i'm fond of him either.