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A Quiz

raindragon July 3, 2016 1:51 am

1-Which character is the only one who can trace their lineage all the way back to before the walls?
2-Which character's mother is directly linked to the royal house of Reiss?
3-Which character is the most likely to carry all three of the bloodlines of Reiss, Ackerman, and the Asian?
4-Which character inherited the means of transformation into a Titan?
5-Which character is most likely to be the offspring of the former king?

    Anonymous July 8, 2016 1:46 pm

    answers plzz

    raindragon July 8, 2016 8:18 pm
    answers plzz @Anonymous

    okay, here's the answers to the quiz questions I asked.
    1. Levi, like Mikasa, is an Ackerman, but we have more information on his ancestry than Mikasa's, who is also an Ackerman. Unlike any other character in SNK, we've been given hints about Levi's bloodline all through the story.
    Answer: Levi
    2. It's not Historia, whose mother was a servant. It's Levi's mother who is so closely connected to the Reiss family. She is the sister of Kenny Ackerman, who was close friends with the royal shadow family. Did she escape to the underground to hide and protect her child from the persecution suffered by all the Ackermans?
    Answer: Levi
    4 Levi is most likely to carry all three bloodlines. a. He's an Ackerman, and he is connected to the Reiss family by his uncle's close friend, King Uri. Kenny's sister, Levi's mother, might possibly met and been friends with the former king, Uri. Might they have been lovers? b. Levi shares the trait of great strength with Mikasa. It's obvious that they're related, but does the strength come from the Ackerman line or the Asian? If it's through the Asian, Levi has both Asian and Ackerman blood. It's pure speculation, but if he is related to the Reiss family by way of his mother's lover, he carries all three bloodlines. Answer: Levi
    5. Eren inherited the Titan power, but it's Levi who directly inherited the syringe kit from his uncle, who was on his deathbed. Answer: Levi
    6. It's pure speculation but given his connections, Levi is the only character who might be Uri's son.
    Answer: Levi