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To be honest.. this my opinion

juju June 6, 2021 8:38 pm

Actually i thought they all gonna die, i mean If i gonna reality thinking if i was they position either adult or children is not okay-

If i was the children , maybe i just wanna give up because why? But i don't wanna be that position anyway.. of course me gonna die first-

But if i was in adult position, who don't know anything about "children" maybe i gonna suprise and scared because they gonna kill me because they think adult all is bad people, but of course they have reason for thinking that way, like in real life.. of course we don't know anything who the right way , all is selfish person you know.. they are have own ego.

But the ending make me feel nothing-- like, how they can be big adult?? Nothing explain- the ending kinda rush

Well well this is my opinion, if you don't agreed is fine (◍•ᴗ•◍)
