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This is pretty good. I think it deserves above 9. It isn't fluffy and the characters actio...

Anonymous June 6, 2021 9:31 pm

This is pretty good. I think it deserves above 9. It isn't fluffy and the characters actions can't be justified haha. I mean, the girl deserves better ngl. But Yu and Ryo's personalities are VERY interesting. For once, they have psychopathic traits rather than just being "BL cliche or bs straight up bad".
We have Yu who can easily put the act of a nice guy and use everyone around him as a 'tool' if they are useful to him. But he DOESNT know that what he is doing is BAD or. In fact, he kisses Ryo at first by the logic of "if my gf feels better when i hug her or kiss her, then my other special person may feel better too". Even though he cares about his gf and at some point even thinks "I should prioritize her", he can't because his feelings are for Ryo. It isn't until he realizes that what he feels is love that he notices something is wrong with his actions. Nevertheless, he is still in the wrong cuz he cheeeat>:(
Then there is Ryo. Who is an actual 'immoral' person and he knows it. He isolated his best friend for years like it was the most normal thing KNOWING that IT IS WRONG. When he finally realized that his behaviour was crazy was when he finally let Yu do his own thing. Dont forget his little internal homophobia for himself lol. But when he noticed Yu was being sociable, Ryo tried to isolated him again. He accepted Yu kisses KNOWING that it was wrong cuz he had a gf. Still, I think Ryo was more of a psychopath than Yu. Fortunately, his obssession wasnt thaaat extremE. I actually like his character because of the many faces he had.
