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Yeah I can't handle this hoe, I'm dropping this. Female leads like her are just not it. I ...

dayz June 7, 2021 8:18 am

Yeah I can't handle this hoe, I'm dropping this. Female leads like her are just not it. I can take a lot of things but why in the all that's unholy is she doing these things with someone that isn't her man and someone that knows she has a man and is still being inappropriate with her but claims they are just friends. Yeah no thank you.

    Ashuri-sama June 7, 2021 1:50 pm

    Same it was never that interesting to me anyway

    Zma June 8, 2021 7:16 am

    The just friends bs is actually what's making my blood boil. The man has clearly stated, on multiple occasion, how he feels about you and you think you can just go about your day as is. Like tf? Bf was 100 in the right for being qary od a man THAT HAS KISSED HIS GIRLFRIEND, but nooooo he's just a friend. Gtfo here

    dayz June 8, 2021 8:50 am
    The just friends bs is actually what's making my blood boil. The man has clearly stated, on multiple occasion, how he feels about you and you think you can just go about your day as is. Like tf? Bf was 100 in t... Zma

    EXACTLY!!! Like why won't you reject him , you already have a man. Kissing and damn there foreplay is not at all ok. The friend needs to get punched and the girl needs to stop being so weak and easily persuade.