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What's so bad about 5, 6 & 7?

UkeLover July 4, 2016 11:39 pm

First off, it's fiction. Readers are free to fuel their sadist/violence smut fantasies through yaoi. Sadist relationships also work if irl if both parties are in mutual agreement over the behavior. As for 6&7, those of you who don't like shota can imagine the 'teenagers' are 18, since there was talk of finishing training school you know. And if you like shota the author has made it ambiguous enough for your imaginations to run wild. Why jump to conclusions you don't like and then hate it for them?

    mzsidra March 9, 2017 6:49 pm

    But it wasn't presented as mutual S&M relationship. And pedophilia is wrong in most cultures. BDSM is fine, when engaged in respectfully. This was an abusive uke.