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For the record, all these historical stories are full of "morally grey" and counter-modern...

manganiME June 7, 2021 7:42 pm

For the record, all these historical stories are full of "morally grey" and counter-modern ethics behavior. Or are all those slaves, maids used and abused, forced marriages, men with dozens of concubines, rich oppressing poor...all that doesn't make you outraged? Only, well, rape?

Cause one of the most painful things fo rme is seeing servants beaten, whipped, threatened, bought, sold,'s like they have no rights at all. That bothers me a helluva lot more than a rich, powerful man being treated by a woman the way men have treated women--like sexual commodities.

    MimiKookie June 8, 2021 7:36 pm


    Ari June 10, 2021 5:52 pm

    I completely agree there are so many other issues and they are probably bigger problems than the rape. However, please don't think that it is okay for women to rape men now because there has been and still are many men who rape women. But, rape the rapist? I support. Don't group innocent people with the guilty.

    manganiME June 10, 2021 5:54 pm
    I completely agree there are so many other issues and they are probably bigger problems than the rape. However, please don't think that it is okay for women to rape men now because there has been and still are ... Ari

    Rape is not okay. But we are also in a historical milieu where consent is not what we think of it TODAY. Hell, even in my lifetime the line wasn't as strongly drawn.

    She thought he wanted it.
    She didn't know he was drugged.
    He didn't fight.
    She saw that as 'Oh, he wants it."