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Please stop this nonsense

Phoenix June 7, 2021 9:10 pm

I did not read it but the title is enough to damp the mood. Please stop degrating arab cultures. They are just humans like others. But ppl degrate them just for their religion. I am unable to understand why it is always like this.

    PXR June 11, 2021 3:32 pm

    I'm an Arab and I don't feel degrated at all so I don't know who are you being offended for??
    Arabs aren't so sure sensitive to get offended by this
    Actually we appreciate the shout out
    And sometimes we just laugh it off on how ridiculous it is but that's it

    Phoenix June 12, 2021 5:45 am
    I'm an Arab and I don't feel degrated at all so I don't know who are you being offended for??Arabs aren't so sure sensitive to get offended by this Actually we appreciate the shout out And sometimes we just lau... PXR

    Well it is strange that you are not offended. I don't want to go in deep. But if I feel offended then it is not a small matter. Not every one is comfortable if you are.

    PXR June 12, 2021 10:42 am
    Well it is strange that you are not offended. I don't want to go in deep. But if I feel offended then it is not a small matter. Not every one is comfortable if you are. Phoenix

    If you are but I am not
    And many of my Arab friends are not maybe it is about u and depending on the person not the manga
    Why is it if YOU got offended then it isn't a small matter while somehow my opinion doesn't matter at all??