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Post Partum Depression

LinaLauLiu June 8, 2021 1:56 am

It's really disappointing that in the era where mental health has become such a huge topic, people still have no clue how bad Post Partum Depression is.
Hint: The simple definition is the last word of the term, Depression. Yes, the same depression that can drives someone "crazy", "freak", "do something extreme".

My high school friend's sister had post partum depression. She was just doing fine when I visit here during one month celebration of her baby daughter. Two months later we were really shock when we heard news she was arrested after trying to stuff a towel on her baby's mouth.
She thought that's the easiest way to make the baby stop crying. Does that even make any sense? NO.
That's how messed up someone with post partum depression is.
While she was at a mental hospital, after getting some help, she went into a depression after realizing and regretting of doing horrible things to her baby.
She ended up hung herself because she can't forgive herself.

That's why it's important to "force" a new mom (and dad as well) to take a break from taking care of the baby once in a while.
In my country, there's this tradition of Mom or MIL living with new mom and dad one month before the delivery up to four months after the delivery.
In the past, I thought it's such a bothersome and unnecessary.
But I take it back now.
I'd love to have my mom or my MIL helping me taking care of my kids.
