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I came for the smut but actually stayed cause the characters... I'm not a huge fan of Jooi...

BL_F@NGIRL June 8, 2021 7:10 pm

I came for the smut but actually stayed cause the characters... I'm not a huge fan of Jooin and I will admit the premise or their relationship was weird but I still liked it... I like how whenever Iyoon and Jinhan talked they always spoke for each other, like they were one soul in two bodies, but still had different personalities... The main thing that bugged me was Jooin insecurities (though I can understand why they existed), he always but himself in compromising situation, and was rarely honest with them, than he'd flip out over nothing before they could be rightfully anger with him... I hated how they basically never called him out on his shit, and was def happy when Jinhan went off and stormed out that one time... But all in all it was a pretty good read, smut wasn't bad either hehehe
