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I should have read it sooner

Nakano Miharu  June 9, 2021 10:23 pm

One of the realistic and beautiful story I have ever read, Saya and Yuusuke sexual tension is out of the world
Saya is so adorable and cutest baby ever. He was so afraid to approach men coz he afraid that they might call him disgusting homo gross, so he rather goes out with girls. Poor baby he even dropped out from school. That disgusting bully deserves those punches from Yuusuke.
Till today, I still don't understand how can someone hate another person for their sexuality.
Yuusuke at first noticed Saya cause only Saya can understand his expressions and feelings, but later his feelings slowly emerged into love and attraction. Well if people don't understand you. You just don't need to care about them. The right person will come to you at the right time. Just like Saya did so as Yuusuke.
As a straight man, Yuusuke was having gigantic gay panic for the first time when he saw Saya's Schlong and those foreign feelings he never had before he got shocked and strange then he ran away. But this gentleman corrected his mistake and tried to get back the man that he loves.
Saya was very happy that he can finally feel man's touch and man's embrace that he wanted to feel for a long time. He is always saying "Yay" when he saw Yuusuke got hard cause of him or when Yuusuke sexually satisfied cause of him. Really Saya is the purest and cutest.
Lastly when they say
Saya : "I'll accept it, I will super accept it"
Yuusuke: "Then accept it, super accept it"
Saya : "I'll live with you, I will super live with you "
Yuusuke : "Live with me, super live with me "
Ahhhhhhh me : my heart and soul melt away to heaven.....

    Vee June 19, 2021 1:04 am

    This was really nicely worded; you essentially expressed exactly what I was thinking.