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Spoilers for Chapter 39

crystalskyes July 9, 2016 6:10 pm

Spoiler warning Spoiler warning Spoiler warning
Bracketed words () are words that I , the Chinese raws to English translator, added by myself.

Page 1 - "I'm home!"
MJ says "Big bro! Didnt you say that you went to the supermarket to buy something?"
"If you have to buy anything, you should by it in the afternoon -"
MJ realizes that his big bro MQ is not alone at the door and
says "Huh?"

Page 2 - The mom says "Didnt (he) buy back a mom?" while raising her hand giving a joking smile.
MJ says "Mom?" "You got discharged?"

Page 3 - MJ says "This is just too great!" "You've finally come back!" hugging the mom.
MJ says "Bro! You really are too much, not even telling me that you were fetching mom, why didnt you tell me sooner?"
MQ says "Isn't this buying you the pleasant surprise that you wanted?"
The mom says "MJ ah, let us go inside then chit chat, alright."
MJ says "Mom! Actually, I havent told you yet."

Page 4 -
MJ continues saying "We are moving next week, these past few days we have been sorting things out." "Dad allowed us to withhold that information from you, fearing that you might be worried"
The mom says ".... ok, ok" (actully sounds like ah ah - like an acknowledgement like "yes yes i get it")
"At least I got MQ to tell me the family's state of affairs, so that I could brace myself for this shocking news"
"(I) actually let these grown up teens to live under this kind of living conditions..."
The mom trembles at the sight of how unlivable this environment is.

Page 5 -
The mom then looks around the room then she asks
"How come I dont see Ming Lan around?"
MJ says "(She) Probably went to the kitchen?"
MJ says "Yi? You didnt go and cook porridge again did you?"

Page 6 -
The mom says "Ming Lan!"
"Mother (referring to herself) I..... have come back now."

Page 7 -
ML's only response is "Hello."
ML quietly goes over to where MJ is.
The mom awkwardly says "Ah, ML ah...."
MJ says "ML, I've got great news!"

Page 8 -
MJ says "Mom has already completely recovered!"
"Today, big bro went to go fetch her out of the hospital, so that we can all be happy together!"
MQ wanted to correct the misunderstanding MJ is having and says "You got it wrong MJ, mom is actually not...."
The mom taps his shoulder to get him to not explain the actual situation.

Page 9 -
The mom basically lies and says with a smile "MJ what you said was correct, mom's illness has already been cured."
"Now, it's completely recovered."

Page 10 -
The mom giggles and say "So that's why I am out of the hospital, haha"
MQ realises that the mom is lying and says "Mom?!" in his mind.
MQ thinks "Why are you lying?"
MJ says "Haha, I knew it! Back when I visted mom was in the hospital, mom was in high spirits!"
The mom says "...That's right"
MJ says "Is it that even dad doesnt know either?"
The mom says "When he comes back I will tell him, you guys must keep it a secret."
MJ says "Sure ah!"

Page 11 -
"Like this we can move house together to our new home"
"That's right"
(It is unclear who is saying this, probably MJ and the mom respectively)
ML say "....drink porridge"
"Let's drink porridge" (I guess in chinese, they think porridge is a liquid and not a solid food)

Page 12 -
ML then says "Congratulations on your discharge."

Page 13 -
The mom starts to cry "Nm!" (It means a positive response like yes)
MJ says "Mom, you need to be careful, ML will add yogurt to her porridge."

Page 14 -
The mom says "Never thought that ML can even cook porridge."
MQ thinks to himself "Mom.... could it be..."

Page 15 -
The mom "pffft!" (spits out ML's porridge)
"Woah! Too hot! Too hot!"
MJ says "Mom, it's not actually hot, it taste bad is it?"

Page 16 -
The mom says "Not at all, it really tastes good."
MJ says "Cannot be! I must try it!"
MQ sees this moving scene and thinks "Mom, could it be that you have no intention of returning to the hospital to receive treatment?"

    crystalskyes July 9, 2016 6:38 pm

    The Title for Chap 39 is "Out of the Hospital/Discharged"

    Capuccino July 10, 2016 11:03 am
    The Title for Chap 39 is "Out of the Hospital/Discharged" crystalskyes


    Anonymous August 2, 2016 7:31 pm

    is mangago not going to put up chap 39?

    crystalskyes August 4, 2016 6:43 am
    is mangago not going to put up chap 39? @Anonymous

    I am not the translator for the properly redrawing in english. I translate for fans of the series, like myself. I understand some chinese so I translated from the raws. I translated page by page so you can read the raws page by page and read it normally.