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Sleeping beauty's finally awake! But damn how can one look so beautiful after months of sl...

Whyartthouhornytothemax June 10, 2021 9:27 am

Sleeping beauty's finally awake! But damn how can one look so beautiful after months of sleeping?
Also is that character development I spot? Claude was with Diane all this time, right? After 14 years of aching to see her, he saw Athy struggle (I'm talking about how Athy broke down after her confrontation with Anastacius) and decided Athy's the one he needs to be there for, (Talking about how Claude struggled to wake up near that time and Lucas had to stabilize him or else he'd die.) I know I'm kinda late about this but just wanted to point that out.
Lastly, Diane is so pretty I can't-
