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Chiaki July 11, 2016 4:17 am

What a great story! I read the raws all the way through and let me tell you guys, it's full of drama, drama, drama, but has a happy and sweet ending! I can provide a very basic (basic b/c my Korean is very basic) summary for anyone who needs it, so let me know!

    Anonymous July 11, 2016 3:20 am

    YES plss!

    Chiaki July 11, 2016 4:34 am
    YES plss! @Anonymous


    Okay, so in ch. 17, it presents the story of the long-haired guy standing on the balcony that we saw in ch. 16. He is Prince Isaac, Kian's first love and also the one who traumatized Kian to the point of making him dislike all guys. Anyway, Isaac is being bullied by his older brother (who has been deeply obsessed with Isaac for some time, it seems), who lashes out at him and forcefully cuts off his hair. Later, he can be seen taking out the severed strands of Isaac's hair and brushing them over his lips, while thinking about Isaac and getting jealous and angry about how he tends to flaunt the bite marks he receives (since he's quite playful) from his dragon servant (who sucks blood like Kian does).

    Lucy July 15, 2016 6:23 pm

    Please please tell me where Can i reade the raw please

    Chiaki July 16, 2016 4:57 am
    Please please tell me where Can i reade the raw please Lucy

    Just look through the comments for a link to the blog~

    Anonymous December 27, 2016 2:59 pm
    ~~Spoilers~~Okay, so in ch. 17, it presents the story of the long-haired guy standing on the balcony that we saw in ch. 16. He is Prince Isaac, Kian's first love and also the one who traumatized Kian to the poi... Chiaki

    what's will happen to suho? did his blood taste ever change?!

    Chiaki December 28, 2016 4:39 am
    what's will happen to suho? did his blood taste ever change?! @Anonymous

    No, the taste of Suho's blood never changed. Although Kian stated that it would change when Suho fell in love with him, that is not true. In truth, the taste of a human's blood will only change when Kian falls out of love with them. So, the only reason Suho's blood tastes sweet to Kian is because he loves Suho, even if the person, himself, isn't aware of it (and not because Suho is some rare delicacy to all blood-sucking dragon people, lol).

    Also, as the two spend time together, the distance between them is shortened, leading to a pretty amicable relationship until a certain incident happens that 1) changes their relationship for the worse and 2)makes Kian realize, quite forcefully, how important Suho is to him (more important than just a source of sustenance, anyway). It happens like this: Suho starts to care about Kian, until Kian announces that he's getting married to a woman. Suho tries to reassure himself that he doesn't care, that it doesn't matter to him at all, but it's quite obvious that he does care (enough to put on a hurt face when he sees Kian and his fiancee kissing and spending time together, anyway). As a result, Suho ends up being antagonistic towards Kian, telling him things like, "If you're gonna suck my blood, just hurry up and get it over with. After all, I'm just your food!", when Kian goes to him for sustenance one day. This makes Kian treat Suho roughly and after Kian sucks a bit of blood from him, he says (iirc) that the taste of Suho's blood seems to have changed a little. Upon hearing this, Suho perks up and asks, with a radiantly happy face, "Does that mean I can go home, now?" In response, Kian felt a mixture of anger and sadness, such that he ends up raping Suho. Afterwards, Kian realizes that his feelings towards Suho are such that, no matter what happens, he will never be able to let him go.

    Chiaki December 28, 2016 4:48 am
    No, the taste of Suho's blood never changed. Although Kian stated that it would change when Suho fell in love with him, that is not true. In truth, the taste of a human's blood will only change when Kian falls ... Chiaki

    So, Kian, in addition to sucking Suho's blood, also starts raping him on a daily basis. Suho, on the other hand, hates Kian's guts, now, but resigns himself to his fate, since there really is nothing he can do (with all the super powerful creatures around him, I mean). He tries to reassure himself that he won't get hurt from something like rape (again, he's clearly in denial).

    Anonymous December 29, 2016 7:58 am
    Just look through the comments for a link to the blog~ Chiaki

    I've seen the raw but I can't read korean. Can you tell me why suho getting killed ?! and who is the one who revive him?! Is the another kingdom ?!

    Chiaki December 29, 2016 8:21 am
    I've seen the raw but I can't read korean. Can you tell me why suho getting killed ?! and who is the one who revive him?! Is the another kingdom ?! @Anonymous

    The one who gets "killed" is actually Lyuka, who walked around Kian's palace in Suho's form because Kyung-Min (Suho's friend) asked Lyuka to protect Suho to the best of his ability. So, when Kian's jealous fiancee asks one of Kian's followers to get rid of Suho, he ends up "killing" Lyuka, instead of Suho. Lyuka is, however, one of the dragon race, who won't die simply from getting stabbed through the chest. Anyway, Kian realizes that Lyuka got stabbed in Suho's place, but the sight of Suho's dead body (even if it was actually Lyuka in disguise) is an enormous shock (in addition to the realization that Suho could've actually been killed) to him, such that he goes on a murderous rampage. Meanwhile, the real Suho was actually on the beach, waiting for Lyuka to pick him up and take him back to his world, after saying goodbye to Prince Isaac.

    Anonymous December 29, 2016 9:53 am
    The one who gets "killed" is actually Lyuka, who walked around Kian's palace in Suho's form because Kyung-Min (Suho's friend) asked Lyuka to protect Suho to the best of his ability. So, when Kian's jealous fian... Chiaki

    Is there a war ?! Why is suho being send back to human world ?!

    Chiaki December 29, 2016 11:43 pm
    Is there a war ?! Why is suho being send back to human world ?! @Anonymous

    No, there's no war. After Suho confesses to Kian that he likes him, Kian decides to let Suho go back to his own world, for Suho's own good.

    Anonymous December 30, 2016 1:45 am
    No, there's no war. After Suho confesses to Kian that he likes him, Kian decides to let Suho go back to his own world, for Suho's own good. Chiaki

    so in the end they went their separate ways and not getting together. Who is that short black hair guy ?! a new character ?

    Chiaki January 1, 2017 5:40 am
    so in the end they went their separate ways and not getting together. Who is that short black hair guy ?! a new character ? @Anonymous

    No, they eventually reunite and the short black haired guy that appears is actually Suho, who is all grown up.

    OohLalaAri August 1, 2017 7:18 am
    No, they eventually reunite and the short black haired guy that appears is actually Suho, who is all grown up. Chiaki

    thank you so much for clearing all that up. I can't read Korean so it's a pain not to know what's going.

    Chiaki August 1, 2017 3:02 pm
    thank you so much for clearing all that up. I can't read Korean so it's a pain not to know what's going. OohLalaAri

    You're welcome! If there are any other parts that you're curious about, just let me know!

    Barbie November 22, 2017 12:16 am
    ~~Spoilers~~Okay, so in ch. 17, it presents the story of the long-haired guy standing on the balcony that we saw in ch. 16. He is Prince Isaac, Kian's first love and also the one who traumatized Kian to the poi... Chiaki

    Please tell me more

    Vins December 1, 2017 3:21 pm

    What happen with suho's friend? Is he ended up with Lyuka?

    Chiaki December 4, 2017 4:51 am
    What happen with suho's friend? Is he ended up with Lyuka? Vins

    Correct. Lyuka ends up liking the friend after making a contract with him, but it takes a while for the friend to start trusting and developing feelings for Lyuka.