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M Y & S, will they last?

mmem July 10, 2016 5:11 pm

Reading the comments I feel embarrassed to say this but I actually really like Y & M together. They're similar and it works lol.

I feel like S didn't really think this arrangement through, or he vastly overestimated how okay he'd be. He needs to stop internalizing and actually say something.

As for M, she could benefit from learning tack. I know she means well, but for an insecure man like S she's managing to make things worse lol.

    manganiME July 10, 2016 8:44 pm

    I think they're gonna end up together exactly for that reason--both affluent, bot can have emotional distance. Shosuke really loves her, but she's always treated him like second fiddle. Always. Second month. "I'll leave you if he dies." Always, she put the other guy first. So, the truth is, she doesn't really love him. And his friend has laid the groundwork to take her over (he's got the CEO mentality that knows how to plot effectively.)

    This will likely turn into a conventional marriage between the two more similar parties and Shosuke has to move on.

    manganiME July 10, 2016 8:46 pm
    I think they're gonna end up together exactly for that reason--both affluent, bot can have emotional distance. Shosuke really loves her, but she's always treated him like second fiddle. Always. Second month. "I... manganiME

    Also notice this is called MY BRIDE is HIS WIFE. Shosuke's bride (bride is in a wedding) but HIS wife (the other guy gets her as wife, not just bride.) At least, it seems like the title is prophetic. I've come to despise Miwa and Shinichiro for the way they've batted around a nice guy. He tried so hard to save his friend and he waited being second fiddle. It's a pity, but good guys finish last.

    manganiME July 10, 2016 8:47 pm

    Sorry, but she's an entitled bitch. She didn't want to choose, so she chose them both and made this situation. She's selfish and greedy and, quite frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing her drop dead.

    mmem July 10, 2016 11:44 pm

    You all sure like S. I don't understand why there's so much anger towards M or why anyone thinks S should be pitied here, but unless they communicate they probably won't make it.

    I think the title speaks more to S's state of mind. To him M isn't his wife but Y's and that's probably not a good way to view the situation. Wish they had just lived together as a threesome, would've made things easier.

    manganiME July 11, 2016 12:57 am
    You all sure like S. I don't understand why there's so much anger towards M or why anyone thinks S should be pitied here, but unless they communicate they probably won't make it. I think the title speaks more t... mmem

    Well, the reason he sees it that way is because Miwa set it up that way. Instead of saying we all spend the first month together, she chose one, making the other feel like "the second best, the leftover." That's a very natural feeling. Then she tells him that if Shin dies, she'll dump his butt. Which is amazingly self-centered and cruel. Again, she chose Shin over Sho. She might have told him she loved him, but she acts as if she loves almost-dying guy.

    Yes, Miwa is a bitch. A selfish, cruel, insensitive, "I want what I want and screw you" bitch.

    manganiME July 11, 2016 12:58 am
    You all sure like S. I don't understand why there's so much anger towards M or why anyone thinks S should be pitied here, but unless they communicate they probably won't make it. I think the title speaks more t... mmem

    Plus the whole "I am his wife in public" thing. AGain, she chose rich guy over poor guy. Sho continually gets the short shrift in her decisions in this marriage. She continually gives him the message, "Well, you take it, cause I want it this way" from both Miwa and Shin. They use him, basically, but call it love.

    mmem July 11, 2016 1:27 am

    I get the whole if he dies I'm leaving, imagine if you have two husbands and one dies while it would be great for the relationship with the living husband to become stronger in M's case the hole left behind would be too much for her to continue this relationship.

    Might be messed up and unfair, but people handle grief differently. Considering she lost her parents one more loss might be too much. But yes, that sucked for S.

    I could be wrong but she'd not legally married to either of them? And she only chose Y first because she kissed him first? Considering she slept with S first did she really chose Y over him? It feels like they're in this situation because she couldn't chose either and they all agreed to make it work together. Mostly because Y was all I'm dying, but still after he was cured they again agreed to make this work.

    This is something S chose, he didn't go in with blinders. He made a conscious decision, and so did M & Y. It'll be interesting to see how they deal with everyone finding out.

    As for the I am his wife in public thing, when was that mentioned? I know for the funeral, but I can't remember what chapter that was mentioned in earlier.

    manganiME July 11, 2016 2:00 am
    I get the whole if he dies I'm leaving, imagine if you have two husbands and one dies while it would be great for the relationship with the living husband to become stronger in M's case the hole left behind wou... mmem

    She considers herself married to them and they consider themselves married to her. That's a commitment, legal or not. But she isn't treating them equally. And she chose to spend the first month with the non-narrator. That, psychologically, as the character himself accepts, shows he's second in her heart.

    He went into it thinking she loved both of them. But she has consistently chosen the other guy's well-being and position first. That's not equal.

    And when you decide to show up as the wife in public, that's a pretty hard statement and she will be seen from now on as his wife. The other guy got screwed AGAIN.

    And I totally disagree about the death thing. You don't abandon one husband because one dies. She had to know one would always die first, and it would likely be one of the men (women tend to live longer). And even to say it is cruel. Miwa is just plain selfish and cruel. What would be a normal reaction is: "I'm so glad I have you, so I won't be alone in my pain and sorrow." THAT would be normal. Saying, "Eff off if he dies. I don't want to be with you if he dies," sends the message, "He's the one that really matters. You, you're secondary. You're a hanger on that I'm not interested in if it's not with that guy."

    manganiME July 11, 2016 2:01 am
    She considers herself married to them and they consider themselves married to her. That's a commitment, legal or not. But she isn't treating them equally. And she chose to spend the first month with the non-na... manganiME

    Oh, and they both kept a secret --multiple lies--from Sho from the beginning, with their own set up consipiracy. That tells you they didn't think much of him.

    mmem July 11, 2016 2:22 am

    But in real life people aren't treated equally.

    Even siblings, there are differences in relationships. Doesn't mean one is loved less, just differently.

    M & Y are more alike and grew closer because she watched him almost die twice. There's a similarity between them that makes it easier for them to get along. While S is different, he can't read her & Y's mind and they can't read his.

    Does that mean she loves one more than the other, to me it just seems like she's able to express herself easier with Y than S, and lets face it S is mad insecure and it's getting worse. I don't know if M or Y can even understand that feeling.

    Sure they should have told him the truth, but then they did and S lived with it. Hell he got passed it and is only really bothered when he starts comparing himself with Y which is a horrible thing to do to himself. I wish M was more vocal about her feelings for him, but unlike Y she didn't think he was dying before she agreed to marry him, she actually just liked him.

    It's not like she's forcing this relationship on him. And come on she showed up as the guys wife in public at his father's funeral, was she not supposed to? Because that would've been f-ed up.

    Off topic, I want to know what's going to happen if she gets pregnant?

    manganiME July 23, 2016 5:19 pm
    But in real life people aren't treated equally.Even siblings, there are differences in relationships. Doesn't mean one is loved less, just differently. M & Y are more alike and grew closer because she watch... mmem

    Yes, she was NOT supposed to show up as his wife, since she's not legally married to him. The day she legally marries him, it's fine to show up as his wife. It was a play, and a hurtful one. It hurt one "husband" in order to uphold the other. That's not proper "equal" love behavior. She's been an insensitive, selfish bitch from the get-go, so I'm not surprised.