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just a thought

Rainki July 11, 2016 9:48 am

I think a lot of people are misunderstanding Taichi here, he's fine with coming out to his family and friends but after meeting his mother and seeing her reaction, not everyone will think positively about it. Now he's thinking about Nao's case, will his friends and family accept their relationship? We see it a lot of times in yaoi manga, some parents disown their kids just because they're gay, friendships are broken, etc. Taichi doesn't want that to happen to Nao. Taichi said it, he thinks a lot about himself and is fine with coming out but Nao is the opposite, he treasures the people around him and Taichi doesn't to take that away from him. I won't deny the fact that he needs some serious communication skills, but when someone is a really insecure(anxious?) type of person like him it's hard to talk about your problems/worries. If he did tell Nao about it instead of stalling the whole thing, it won't cause that much drama. I can imagine Nao scolding him about why he's worrying about such trivial things. However Taichi isn't like that.
