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Hate her

UndecidedMumbling June 11, 2021 5:28 am

FL is a terrible person. She breaks up with her boyfriend of a year on impulse without giving him a meaningful reason. Like you're allowed to break up with someone if you don't want to be with them anymore, but not out of the blue without a two-way conversation. Next she touches ML without his consent and without giving him time to think about whether it is something he wants to do with his best friend of 10 years. Then she ties him up without making sure he is comfortable with it and then fucking LEAVES HIM for a long time, tied up and with a vibrator. Then when she comes back and finds that he has squirted on her bed, she makes fun of him for "peeing the bed." BITCH WHAT?! You left him alone and overestimated the fuck out of him, then you fucking make fun of him for something he couldn't control?! I fucking hate this cunt. She's an insensitive bitch who doesn't think about anything. The only neuron she has firing is locating the next vessel she'll use to orgasm.
This post doesn't even cover all of the inconsiderate shit she has done. I'm just tired of being angry at someone who clearly doesn't think about anything of substance and doesn't seem to have any plans of changing that. The only reason I'll continue reading this is because the art is good and the ML is cute, I'm just going to try to advert my focus from her ignorance and enjoy the art.
And no I don't think that she has to have romantic feelings for ML just bc he does. But I think that she should have basic human decency and maybe some consideration for the "friend" she's known for a decade.
