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holy mother of masterpieces asdfhgdfaj

wangjiloveswuxian June 11, 2021 7:29 am

beware my fangirl phase

oh my god, this was so good! the pacing was awesome, the characters were consistent, the development was ugh *chef's kiss*, it was just so so so so good! i haven't read any longer stories with such a consistent and interesting plot plus incredible characters and character development since hollow lovers. this was so mature in the themes and the process felt so natural. ian is precious and raymond, dear heaven, don't get me started. i LOVED the way he developed. it wasn't a sudden thing that he changed, he really held onto the things that motivated him in the beginning and it didn't feel forced how he ended up. (p.s. HE LOOKS HOT AF WITH THAT BEARD)

10/10 definitely would recommend. i don't usually like playboy type semes but god this one just feels so character woven. it didn't happen cause the "plot needed to progress", it was a natural thing and it served its purpose for better or for worse. ian is precious, so so precious i will never get over him, i love how he is so fleshed out and authentic and that he learns to make peace with himself.

AND I CAN'T LEAVE OUT MY FAVORITE PART NOW CAN I, MARTHA KILLING COUNT ROTHSILDT WAS JUST ICING ON THE CAKE!!! IT WAS DEFINITELY THE MOST GRATIFYING SCENE FOR ME - no, not bardi's death because even though that was incredibly satisfying, the build up and portrayal of everything martha worked for was more surprising. like, i didn't expect her to kill him and it was just so WOAH)

nicholas and kaya are super cute too huhu, that couple progression was just gold! not so in your face but definitely strong in chemistry. AND FRANCOIS, ugh brillliant man! love him sm.

also, fuck betty! fuck that princess! may karma treat them horribly.

cheers to a peaceful life for raymond, ian, kaya, nicholas, francois, martha, mark, henry and his group, and the van d'arque! awesome work! will definitely reread!
