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Doesn't the second couple kinda give off bj Alex vibes?! Love it though

aoi June 11, 2021 5:53 pm

Doesn't the second couple kinda give off bj Alex vibes?!
Love it though

    Rosadiego June 11, 2021 7:37 pm

    Nah in bj Alex all the sex scenes between jiwon and dong gyun where consenual and jiwon never humiliated his partner during sex or outside of it and he never neglected his partner too so I don't think they can be compared to them but this couple sure is going to be good seeing how taehwan is changing the best thing in this story is that yeonwoo doesn't have any hope in this relationship so probably taehwan would be the one getting hurt this is just my guess though ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    aoi June 12, 2021 1:51 am
    Nah in bj Alex all the sex scenes between jiwon and dong gyun where consenual and jiwon never humiliated his partner during sex or outside of it and he never neglected his partner too so I don't think they can ... Rosadiego

    I mean when jiwon was still streaming, he was kinda mean to dong gyun.... But dong gyun still loved him a lot..... But I agree taehwan is more of an ass