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Serves her right, but I feel bad about her parents and sisters. :(

Zae June 12, 2021 3:49 am

Serves her right, but I feel bad about her parents and sisters. :(

    angel1 June 12, 2021 4:03 am

    same... i'm just hoping her family can prove their loyalty in the 3 years Cedric gave them because they are good ppl, just with one bad apple...

    ♥ Taehoon forever ♥ June 12, 2021 5:34 am
    same... i'm just hoping her family can prove their loyalty in the 3 years Cedric gave them because they are good ppl, just with one bad apple... angel1

    The entire family except that rat looking thing has to suffer now because of her deeds. Years of loyalty got stained because a certain daughter couldn't grow up and acted on her petty feelings without thinking about the consequences. (¬_¬)