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I really appreciate how the relationships and conflicts are set up. Sometimes stories try ...

kurootetsurousupremacy June 12, 2021 9:00 am

I really appreciate how the relationships and conflicts are set up. Sometimes stories try to force miscommunications to have some drama going on, but it just end up making everyone look dumb and unlikeable. This, though, i completely understand, and it effectively shows a human side to the characters. I hope ercella and harsen can figure out their problems and be honest with themselves. For vicente, obviously i feel bad for him. Must be hard to be raised in that environment while also practically ignored by both your parents. Shes definitely late, and like she said, her struggles dont justify her neglect towards her son, but she really was just alone and lost with no one to lean on or guide her. Im glad she has a second chance to step up to be a mom. On that topic, i love how they handled depression. She was a teen mom, got married for the sake of her family, went throught the lost of loved ones whilst being pregnant and confused, her husband, the only person on her side in that house, got sent out to war, the vassals dont trust nor do they like her. For a woman who took pride in her studies and knowledge as proof of her worth, being told off from her duties and being brushed off as an inconvenience must have had a big impact. She really had no one to talk to or help her figure out her feelings. And onsidering the hypothetical time period the story is based on, im assuming studies on mental health and psychology were not of much importance, hence the lack of knowledge and care for post partum depression. No one understood her and neither did she. That suffocating feeling of guilt and helplessness when you cant be happy even though youre supposed to, even though you should be, even though it seems like theres no reason to be sad cause your life is just perfect from people's perspectives, is terrifying. I struggled with that a lot in the past and i completely understand how frustrating and lonely it feels. I hope with this second life she can get help and work out her issues, then mend her relationship with herself and others. Vicente is already fifteen, and even if she is to die 3 years later, i hope she can go with no regrets.

    weeeb June 12, 2021 9:12 am


    ryuiee June 12, 2021 9:22 am

    This is so accurate and full of facts. Like I get angry for those who comments that it is all Arcela's fault like bruh.

    Sakusa June 12, 2021 11:08 am

    This is amazing i think so as well i think they are making it realistic and that’s what keeps it interesting cuz if they just faced hardships but got over everything immediately it would just get boring but this shows that hardships don’t always take a few days to be solved (⌒▽⌒)

    Mehr.X June 12, 2021 2:21 pm

    without what you said I would seriously hate her... I mean despite thinking about her many problems I don't find her particularly likeable

    For me I had the opinion of selfish

    Even though I know she was probably depressed I didn't think too much still but I still felt she was very wrong of she's still wrong... but in every relationship the emotions depression marital disorder comes from both way

    The ML himself never expressed her emotions to her... while she herself forced herself into it but they never communicated even now they don't which if continues nothing will but the problem is that she has no one around her to tell her

    The most pitiful one is the child it's too late the damage is caused...

    However now I really hope that she can do the right thing for her son and I hope the ML can do the same too... afterall he fought to mary her why push your son into a soulless marriage....

    kurootetsurousupremacy June 12, 2021 5:08 pm
    This is amazing i think so as well i think they are making it realistic and that’s what keeps it interesting cuz if they just faced hardships but got over everything immediately it would just get boring but t... Sakusa

    yeah. the thing is it feels natural and not forced. ive read stories where the supossed misunderstanding is just so dumb and awkward it baffled me. here it just makes sense

    kurootetsurousupremacy June 12, 2021 5:19 pm
    without what you said I would seriously hate her... I mean despite thinking about her many problems I don't find her particularly likeableFor me I had the opinion of selfishEven though I know she was probably d... Mehr.X

    totally. the problem with their marriage comes from both sides, so i hope they can work it out together. and though for different reasons, they both neglected vicente in their own ways. he really doesnt deserve to bear the consequences of his parents problems and opinions on how he should live. arcella is in the wrong for how she treated her child, and she cant make up for the first 15 years of his life that he had to spend alone. like i cant even imagine the confusion and loneliness vicente had to endure growing up basically on his own, wondering what he ever did for his mom to hate him, but i cant bring myself to hate arcella because she is honestly just pitiful. so i hope she can get help sorting out her feelings and be a good mother to him. and yeah he is the sole heir of the duchy, but harsen is stiff and not quite understanding. like you said, harsen also gave up a lot to marry her, losing their family's neutral stance and gaining enemies in the process. vicente was brought up to be an heir, so hes fine with it if its for the sake of their family but it doesnt make it ok. like for what we've seen that pink haired girl is a headache. i just hope vicente can be happy because he deserves it more than anyone

    Mehr.X June 12, 2021 6:21 pm
    totally. the problem with their marriage comes from both sides, so i hope they can work it out together. and though for different reasons, they both neglected vicente in their own ways. he really doesnt deserve... kurootetsurousupremacy

    He suffered enough because of his parents pain fault or whatsoever

    He should find someone who loves him