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The update...

FOXIC July 13, 2016 3:59 pm

I died while reading the last update. Seriously, Harada is really an extraordinary author. She has a very brilliant way to slowly unravel momo's past. I always thought that momo's mother was a monster, i mean a person that sells his child to be raped, 'monster' sure suit her perfectly, but the last update made me understand a little.. she is no monster. she is just a human, a terrible one of course, but also a miserable one.

Just imagine, she was raped. bearing her rapist's son all alone in her poor living conditions. But she still loves his son like a mother. and then when she started to regain her happiness with her boyfriend and all, misfortune hit her for the second time. i believe, being raped and bearing her rapist son has been already horrible enough, now she witnessed her son being sexually abused by her own boyfriend! to be added with 'jealousy is ugly' phrase by her own son. It's too much for her to take, so she breaks. she snapped out and start to do all those horrible things... ugh.

Momo also experienced many misfortunes, but im sooooo glad at least he got yata-chan with him that probably worth like 1224251627152852188786 good fortunes (=・ω・=)

    FOXIC July 13, 2016 3:56 pm

    whoops, good fortunes i mean

    Anoni Grrl July 13, 2016 7:54 pm

    Snapping and killing the boyfriend would make sense to me. Blaming the child, no matter what he said, does not. Not for any reason. She is a monster

    FOXIC July 13, 2016 10:04 pm
    Snapping and killing the boyfriend would make sense to me. Blaming the child, no matter what he said, does not. Not for any reason. She is a monster Anoni Grrl

    Pain breaks human, pain would completely take over their mind, so they won't recognize who they are going to hurt. In my opinion, her action exactly shows how broken she is, and i think the reason behind it all is even more complex, it wasn't just jealousy. At that time she truly cared for momo. she wanted a proper answer from her son, but then she dissapointed and gave up

    Anoni Grrl July 13, 2016 10:15 pm
    Pain breaks human, pain would completely take over their mind, so they won't recognize who they are going to hurt. In my opinion, her action exactly shows how broken she is, and i think the reason behind it al... FOXIC

    What "proper answer" can there be when a child is sexually abused? Her son was the victim. He boyfriend was the one she should have called the police immediately.

    No matter what, he was a child. nothing he said or did made it his fault. the boyfriend should be in jail (or dead). The fact that she didn't immediately get angry with the boyfriend shows she is a monster.

    The child is never at fault.

    FOXIC July 14, 2016 1:03 am
    What "proper answer" can there be when a child is sexually abused? Her son was the victim. He boyfriend was the one she should have called the police immediately. No matter what, he was a child. nothing he said... Anoni Grrl

    Yaah let's just not jumping into conclusions, because right now there is not enough clues yet, so many mysteries here.

    Ah but from the prequel of this series, Sumomo. There is a scene where mother is showing her engagement ring to suda, then suda asked "are you engaged with your previous partner?" then she answered "no, to a different one" this scene at least could imply that she already changed her partner.

    and 'proper answer' things is just my opinion, i kind of thought that since Harada-san usually make a deep story with various unique characters, probably Momo's mother just wanted to hear is momo's explanation/proper answer at that time, she wanted to hear it from her son, not her boyfriend because she believed in her son. But momo didn't feel what happened to him is wrong or bad (he ignored the guilty immoral feeling inside him), and he think his mother is just being unreasonable, feeling jealous of his relationship with his mother's bf

    Anyway, let's just wait see how genius Harada-san will solve all this problem :)

    Anoni Grrl July 14, 2016 1:55 am
    Yaah let's just not jumping into conclusions, because right now there is not enough clues yet, so many mysteries here.Ah but from the prequel of this series, Sumomo. There is a scene where mother is showing her... FOXIC

    I don't mean to pick on you. It is just fiction. :)

    It's just that I need to know is that Momo was a child. No other information matters.

    manganiME July 14, 2016 3:12 am

    She didn't just see Momo with the boyfriend. She sold Momo to perverts. She SOLD HER SON. Sorry, there is a line one crosses where one stops being victim and becomes the villain. That's not "just human." That's "just evil."

    manganiME July 14, 2016 3:14 am
    I don't mean to pick on you. It is just fiction. :)It's just that I need to know is that Momo was a child. No other information matters. Anoni Grrl

    Momo was a child. A child raised by a loose woman who'd had a traumatic sexual event. But still, a child. And the child was led into an action by a perverse adult. Then his mother added to the child's suffering by selling him to men to earn money.

    There is no grey area. She's evil. She may also be broken in some way, but over and over we hear about she's jealous of Momo taking her man (what the fuck) and she keeps him in a closet naked and sells him to perverts (what the other fuck). No, I don't care what is in her backstory. I'd shoot the bitch.

    FOXIC July 14, 2016 11:49 am

    i never said she is not evil person, she sure do many horrible things to her son and i agreed that what she did was wrong. But she is not just some psychopath monster abusing her son because with no reason like how i always thought she was. she loved him before, there is a reason behind all her abusing. That's what im highlighting here.

    And somehow, what i get from the story is, the person that drive her insane was her own son (even law could tolerate insane/mental illness person) She witnessed her son did not even afraid or crying when he was sexually abused with her boyfriend. This point made her lose her logical sense, she knew that his son, her hope is also broken.

    FOXIC July 14, 2016 11:57 am
    I don't mean to pick on you. It is just fiction. :)It's just that I need to know is that Momo was a child. No other information matters. Anoni Grrl

    Yes i know. I respected your opinion and you respected mine. It's totally allright if you didn't agree with mine, because hey, every people has different way of thinking, right? Im not forcing my opinion to others :)

    manganiME July 14, 2016 5:13 pm
    i never said she is not evil person, she sure do many horrible things to her son and i agreed that what she did was wrong. But she is not just some psychopath monster abusing her son because with no reason like... FOXIC

    Her son was crying and terrified when they were gangraping him and she didn't care. That's a monster in my book. I don't much care about the reasons. None are justified.

    Jay July 14, 2016 8:00 pm
    Her son was crying and terrified when they were gangraping him and she didn't care. That's a monster in my book. I don't much care about the reasons. None are justified. manganiME

    In my honest opinion, FOXIC you're train of thought is scary. I know you're trying to find reasons as to why the mother became this way, but the minute you started to bring the child as a reason for her aggression is alarming. MangainME you're absolutely correct, the child was crying. I don't understand FOXIC, why are you still trying to blame the child? Even if lil momo was sucking off the dude that's in a relationship with his mother, did you not think, the child is being taken advantage of? He's a child, YOU DON'T BLAME CHILDREN FOR BEING RAPED, NOR TAKEN ADVANTAGE FROM. He's an only child that's left alone while his mother is at work and they're poor. No one is taking care of him while she's out, he doesn't have any possessions a child can enjoy from. He's more of a target, he is a child that can be taken advantage of. Children are honest lil shits, and have no filters sometimes. You can't blame a child for saying that, when he's been spending a significant amount of time with his rapist. FOXIC you can make up theories or reasons for the mother's actions, but at the end of the day, she's an abuser, letting her child get gang raped, she is a big time accomplice of child molestation. She ditched momo when he was young, and the only thing he's known with his time with her is sex. That's messed up.

    manganiME July 14, 2016 8:59 pm
    In my honest opinion, FOXIC you're train of thought is scary. I know you're trying to find reasons as to why the mother became this way, but the minute you started to bring the child as a reason for her aggress... Jay

    Thank you. I seriously find it painful to see apologists for child rape, parental abuse, child abandonment, emotional abuse, and sex slavery (and make no mistake, what she did with Momo, folks, was sex slavery of a child, that is, an adult forcing a child to have sex for money ).

    I guess those folks in ISIS are just poor damaged guys who don't really mean anything bad when they cut off heads, buy and sell women, and harvest organs. THey're just misunderstood.

    FOXIC July 15, 2016 4:51 am
    In my honest opinion, FOXIC you're train of thought is scary. I know you're trying to find reasons as to why the mother became this way, but the minute you started to bring the child as a reason for her aggress... Jay

    First of all, i'm really sorry, i didn't mean to press the annoying button... i tried to push the reply button but i'm using my phone with small screen and my thumb is too big hhh.. really, i am very sorry

    Moving to what i have said, why i was blaming momo.. to put it like that is quite uncomfortable because i adore momo though :( Here, Im just guessing an explanation and my guessed explanation is momo's mother upset because momo didn't give any excuse to her (momo could blame her boyfriend and tell his mother that he is innocent, but he didn't. he made it like he was okay with it and tell her to accept it, do not be jealous) taken his personality into consideration, he is a person that prefer to smile instead of showing his true emotions. So probably at that time he is just trying to hide his real feelings. But in the end his personality of hiding his true feelings lead to a dissapointment and bigger problem. similar scene also happened before with yata. Yata get really angry with momo in the scene where momo was kidnapped and attacked by suda. yata were late and when they meet momo was already released, then instead of telling how he truly feels, he just smile......... yata was really angry but his common sense is still perfectly attached to him, so he wouldn't ever do what momo's mom have done.

    From the start i'm just talking about reason behind momo's mom crazy actions, I'm not defending momo's mother for letting her son raped and all, even i agreed that she is a terrible human and her action it's understandable but unforgivable. please don't mind it if you have another opinion, i respected every option and have no intention of forcing my opinion to others :)

    FOXIC July 15, 2016 5:01 am
    Thank you. I seriously find it painful to see apologists for child rape, parental abuse, child abandonment, emotional abuse, and sex slavery (and make no mistake, what she did with Momo, folks, was sex slavery ... manganiME

    This is just fiction, of course it'll be different if you relate it to real life situation. But still even though we have different opinion, i will respect yours. Let's just calmly wait and see how harada-san will continue this series without more clashing opinions, shall we?

    Anoni Grrl July 15, 2016 3:56 pm
    This is just fiction, of course it'll be different if you relate it to real life situation. But still even though we have different opinion, i will respect yours. Let's just calmly wait and see how harada-san w... FOXIC

    It is fiction, so I'll grant the story make take a different shape. As much as I hate the "mother" (and you know I do), there are times when almost everyone wants to believe the person that hurts them really loves them and didn't mean it or is sorry, especially if the person who hurt them is their mother. That can influence fantasies in ways that would not make sense in real life--and it's not that uncommon.

    Villains often carry a seed of redemption. Look at Darth Vader--we have no trouble seeing the monster who destroyed worlds as a hero when he was a boy or as someone who ultimately loved his son at the end. Last night, I watched a movie called "Memories of the Sword" that had a similar plot (only set in a historical fantasy Korea). In both of those movies, the evil parent ultimately is sorry for the betrayal and pays for it. There is something satisfying about a fantasy where the evil parent is sorry--but let's not forget that in such stories the evil parent also usually pays a high price to show true sorrow and repentance.

    I guess I'm at a point where I fantasize about people who are being hurt being strong enough to tell the toxic person to get the hell away from them. That's not realistic in real life either--at least it's not usually that simple. It's always complicated. Since Momo is the character I care most about in this story. I feel protective and I want to tell the evil parent to f*ck off and leave him alone. I don't want Momo's complicated feelings or misplaced sympathies to leave him open to being hurt by her again.

    I guess what I am missing from the mother as a character that would let me see her as having a fantasy hope of redemption at the end is that I want her to acknowledge she was wrong and show remorse (in a serious self-sacrificing way). But maybe we are not at that point of the story yet. Darth Vader killed lots of people before he got to the point where he became Anakin at the moment it counted for Luke. You could be right that this story will follow such a path--but personally, I am going to want to see serious sacrifice and not just a sad backstory.

    manganiME July 15, 2016 7:37 pm
    It is fiction, so I'll grant the story make take a different shape. As much as I hate the "mother" (and you know I do), there are times when almost everyone wants to believe the person that hurts them really lo... Anoni Grrl

    Oh, I definitely expect the mother to apologize. The books show she has some to a point of enough decency or sanity to comprehend what she's done to her son and how she IS at fault and responsible. She seems to want reconciliation, but that's up to Momo.

    In real life, it's way too complicated. I know that firsthand.

    But I don't read fiction to read real life. I'd rather have a better outcome. In real life, Momo would have probably been killed or gotten a dread disease or killed his mother or killed himself.

    If he can forgive her, fine. It would mean he heals.

    But I'd rather she grovel a helluva a lot first.

    Although, ideally, she would have gotten raped to death by one of her johns. That's what she deserved.

    Gray July 23, 2016 8:14 am
    First of all, i'm really sorry, i didn't mean to press the annoying button... i tried to push the reply button but i'm using my phone with small screen and my thumb is too big hhh.. really, i am very sorryMovin... FOXIC


    I don't care HOW a child reacts to being found out.

    You find your UNDERAGE child with an older man being happy. The first thing you do is ARREST that man. Are you saying if your underage child ends up with your an obviously older boyfriend 'claiming to be in love' 'feeling no guilt' you will be angry with your child? You should be furious with the man who thought they can manipulate your YOUNG, UNDERAGE child.

    The child YOU failed to protect from YOUR OWN boyfriend. The boyfriend who was already joking about sex to your child. Something you should have thought when you bring another PERSON man/woman to your child's life.

    "(momo could blame her boyfriend and tell his mother that he is innocent, but he didn't. he made it like he was okay with it and tell her to accept it, do not be jealous)"

    Momo does not need an excuse. You as a mother have the responsibility to protect your child even from HIMSELF. Not be angry at them for not knowing better, for not knowing that their actions are wrong. When they don't feel guilty or scared about their own horrifying actions. YOU TEACH THEM. My nephew pretends to be a dog, he follows his pet around and imitates it. My cousin had to stop him from drinking from the toilet. They are children. Be a mother.

    From her reaction, it only proves that she is jealous rather than anything else.