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Dzon't, Dzon't Do It June 12, 2021 2:04 pm

It's a manga. There's like an app(?) Or website (?) where you can book some call girls (not sure but all I can remember is that it was some sort of service) as a disguise but it was actually where you can hire a hitman and the choices where all girls.

The mc was a petite girl with short hair.

And there was this episode where a doctor(maybe? but I'm pretty sure he was someone in charge of torture) was ordered by his superiors to cut all the limbs of some member of yakuza(?), but apparently, this yakuza member was actually innocent and as a retaliation of that yakuza's friends (?) the doctor/torturer's wife and daughter got killed.

But the only thing his superior did was to send someone to give him a stack of money as a "compensation" for the death of his wife and child, and even mocked him for trying to live a normal life.

He didn't get angry on the spot and instead hired a girl from that service. From what I remember the mc managed to kill the doctor's superiors, except for that person who mocked him. He told the mc to keep that person alive, and doctor himself cut all of of that guy's limbs.

That's all of the details I could remember. Maybe I even made a mistake on some. But if this sounds familiar, then please comment ╥﹏╥
