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I don't like that this was more focused on Arou's powers and not Kanade's. Since she is th...

RingoTan July 14, 2016 3:29 am

I don't like that this was more focused on Arou's powers and not Kanade's. Since she is the main character I wanted her to be stronger than the two boys. The mangaka should have done a better job with her, she was more like a supporting character for Arou's and not the main female protagonist.

    Emmy July 31, 2016 3:50 am

    Yeah I really wanted their to be more. I would have loved to see her slowly become more and more powerful with more and more control

    Dema February 26, 2018 8:07 am

    Honestly I thought she was the strongest character. Just because she had less control of her power didn't mean she was a weaker character. Sure they focused on Arou's power a lot, but Kanade was a strong girl who never let things keep her down.
    To me the story shows how her being herself, flawed and all, and over coming her problems, and helping everyone despite her fears, influenced those around her.
    If not for Kanade Arou would be a much sadder character who avoided others. Namaki would never have helped others and would have laughed at others getting hurt and never have made up with his family. Eri would have been broken hearted and her guy would still be a bad person.
    The whole manga shows how Everyone is connected.
    Really, the focus on Arou at the end was right. He was the one who needed the most help, needed to grow the most, by then.
    Kanade had already begun overcoming her issues with touching and had even told her friend about herself. Namaki had started down the road to make up with his family. Arou and his family were the ones who still needed to be put on the right road.
    So LONG ramble short:
    The whole manga was about ALL of them, sure it ended on Arou more, but his powers were still the same (if u look he did the disappearing thing few times before the end and almost couldn't control at the end only Kanade helped him there) But I think the main message of the manga, the one they kept repeating over and over, is that we are all connected, and just because some might not get us or we might not see what is in someones heart we are still connected.

    Dema February 26, 2018 9:15 am

    Actually realized a simpler way of phrasing my thoughts (sorry after work n very tired rambling before)
    Why must the strongest character be the one with the strongest power?
    To me Kanade is the strongest character FOR her character.
    I think one of the wonderful messages of this manga was how she made everyone's lives better, mostly by her being just her. Sure her power helped but I think the main focus was not on her power but HER. She was already the strongest in many ways. Her connection to others helped them and they helped her. In a way I'm glad they didn't develop her powers, she was already strong and if they had focused on her powers it would have taken away from the focus of her being her helping rather than her power.
    Anyway I look at it though, I just love this story :D

    Simply Kylie September 15, 2018 2:42 pm

    their story has just begun ^o^
    i need more too kekeke