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remembered that ive read this before but didnt rate it yet NOW I KNOW WHY this story annoy...

sunday June 13, 2021 2:21 pm

remembered that ive read this before but didnt rate it yet NOW I KNOW WHY this story annoys me soo much the seme infuriates me like no other ik other dont mind it but first he went sleeping around just cause he got scared the uke wont like him idk why but u hate sleazy characters like that like how dare u sleep with others when u know who u like??? and when he called them friends with benefits like wth is with that

    lan zhan nipples June 16, 2021 11:30 am

    he did all that bc he thought the uke didn’t like him……… some people need explicit confirmation on those cases and the seme is like that. it’s pretty common for people to get mislead in relationships because the other one never use WORDS to describe feelings… the seme isn’t wrong at all. that’s how relationships works.

    Ladyluck July 5, 2021 2:36 am

    Same. Seme irritated me to no end. He loved the guy for a while but just goes around and fucks people. He doesn’t even remember if he slept with someone. How sleazy is that?