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As i reread it back i realized tht basically sooyoung has been tamed/shaped/mold by taeson...

Elena June 13, 2021 8:08 pm

As i reread it back i realized tht basically sooyoung has been tamed/shaped/mold by taesong. Taesong actually shaped him to become the way he is. He is gradually getting used to a bit of pain during sex and like slowly turning into a masochist a bit. Also you need to realize sooyoung is actually okay with anything tht tae song did to him despite the rough sex.

Sooyoung is in love with taesong and so does taesong. But taesong is just too possessive and protective tht it's hard for him to control his action. As a reader we know tht this is an unhealthy relationship but i doubt Sooyoung sees their relationship as unhealthy. Anyways, altho taesong and minhyuk are trash but i think taesong is much better than minhyuk.

This story is good when it comes to plot. If you don't understand anything i suggest you to reread it back. You'll come to understand their situation once you do tht.

    BLmakesMEUGLY June 13, 2021 8:46 pm

    Honestly our MC has been use to pain before Tae Seung with boxing. And there is definitely nothing confusing. Its the fact that ppl aren't connecting the pieces.

    noya June 13, 2021 9:17 pm

    i agree