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For those confused:

Penelope June 13, 2021 8:42 pm

I THINK this is what's happening. Who knows.

Basically, Sooyoung has been reduced to just waiting at home for Taesung after the whole bar incident.
Quick summary: Kang-il (Taesung's ex-best friend and a traitor) was going to kidnap or hurt Sooyoung because people know Sooyoung is Taesung's 'lover' or weak point at least. Instead of making sure Sooyoung isn't hurt, Taesung deliberately allows this arrack to happen so Sooyoung can become more dependent on him when he goes to save him. Minhyuk and his regular hook up guy (I forget his name, but the one who's tanned and droopy eyed) catch on about how Taesung came in late on purpose to make sure that Sooyoung was badly injured and would only remember Taesung saving him.

Taesung obviously wants Sooyoung to just be like a 'pet' for him. Sooyoung, who has had many abusive relationships in the past (with his ex, his parents, etc), feels actually loved and needed, so he decides that he wants to get to know Taesung even more cause he wants to be able to fully trust and love him. That's why he begins asking about Taesung's personal life. When he goes to visit his uncle's grave though, one of the staff at the funeral service/ cemetery place tells Sooyoung that someone has also come to visit his uncle's grave before him. When he goes to see who, the only person around was Taesung, who tells him he was just there to see him. However, Sooyoung never told Taesung much about this uncle, so he asks Taesung if he knows his uncle, and Taesung says "no" with a really scary face and all. He then asks if Taesung is hiding anything from him, which he says no.

Sooyoung decides to investigate Taesung by himself cause he wants to confirm that Taesung isn't hiding anything from him. That's when he sees a file with numerous profiles of people and recipes stuck on these profiles. He sees one with someone he knew- a prostitute who worked at the bar he worked at. He goes to the bar and asks the manager where the prostitute was and it's revealed that they have been missing for several days now. Turns out, the prostitute was killed by the mayor after been choked to death during sex. The reason why the mayor choked him was because he couldn't get over how Minyuk had sex with him and was trying to replicate it. Yes, Minhyuk did the nasty with the mayor.

But Sooyoung doesn't know this yet. Droopy eyed tanned man sees what Sooyoung is asking about and decides to help because the prostitute was a friend of his.

Cut to Taesung and the older hyung man. It seems that there is a mole inside their gang, since a lot of information has been leaked. Taesung orders older hyung man to get rid of the mole, which is kindaaaaa implied to be Minhyuk.

Cut AGAIN to Sooyoung and Droopy eyed tanned man. They go to a construction site that is owned by Taesung (I think?????) and they were looking around until they accidentally stepped on a strange creaky tile. They lift the tile up and hidden underneath is a suitcase containing the body of the dead prostitute. However, they hear people coming, and it's the mayor guy and his guards who are checking on the buried body. However, one of the guard/ men notice that the hair of the prostitute is peeking out of the tile, implying that the tile has been tampered with/ opened. And that's where we are now: they were hiding but got found out.

There's a lot I left out, but that's the main plot for now I think. Please tell me if it's confusing or if I left out anything!

    dishabish June 13, 2021 9:01 pm

    Woahh! Thanks for the summary!
    with my gutter brain, i was completely missing it (≧∀≦)

    sure innocent June 13, 2021 9:05 pm

    Ur a life saver ilyy. I understand it all but who's the mayor again?

    ll SFN ll June 13, 2021 9:18 pm
    Ur a life saver ilyy. I understand it all but who's the mayor again? sure innocent

    This guy I think

    Pumpkin June 13, 2021 9:44 pm

    Your summary was perfect! I just wanted to correct you on something. The person that killed Ji Hoon, the prostitute, was not Mayor Kim. It was Senator Jeong, who's connections helped the mayor get elected.
    Also, the name of Droopy eyed tanned man is Dong Hyun.

    bumblinBee June 13, 2021 10:49 pm

    I've been trying my best to follow along with the plot but I read so many of these that I often mix up events, so I really really appreciate you writing this, you are a life saver

    Mangalover June 13, 2021 10:50 pm

    Thank you, I needed this. There's a lot of mean comments about being too lazy to actually read the manhwa but I read each chapter like twice and I get confused. I understood the MCs story but minhyuk as the mole and the mayor lost me.

    ⁹⁹⁹⁺ June 13, 2021 10:51 pm

    I love you this story confused me bc of the long pauses before the next chapters your a life saver thanks

    Xiao June 13, 2021 10:58 pm

    Bless your soul

    broski. June 13, 2021 11:15 pm

    Wait i’m sorry but minhyuk slept w the mayor??? when did that happen

    anika June 13, 2021 11:18 pm

    Thank you human I owe you my life

    Pumpkin June 13, 2021 11:24 pm
    Wait i’m sorry but minhyuk slept w the mayor??? when did that happen broski.

    Minhyuk didn't sleep with the mayor, he slept with the senator and with the mayor's wife.

    broski. June 13, 2021 11:50 pm
    Minhyuk didn't sleep with the mayor, he slept with the senator and with the mayor's wife. Pumpkin

    ohh yeah i remember that. i was really confused as to when he slept w the mayor as well

    Penelope June 14, 2021 1:49 am
    Your summary was perfect! I just wanted to correct you on something. The person that killed Ji Hoon, the prostitute, was not Mayor Kim. It was Senator Jeong, who's connections helped the mayor get elected. Also... Pumpkin

    ooohhhh oopsie teehee. thanks for clearing that up. They were all just powerful people so I lumped them together