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I actually have a lot to say but...

Nidka June 15, 2021 3:03 am

I don't see way everyone is hating on Yamato, there's too much I want to say but to make it short; no he didn't cheat and yeah is ok if you felt kinda hurt about what happened with the college girl but ladies and gentlemen THAT'S CALLED ATTRACTION.
No human alive is except of feeling this way, even if you are married or have a girlfriend. What's important here is his honesty towards Mei, which was pretty clear.

So I would like to differ, he was pretty much perfect as a human being? Pretty decent and honest, what did you expect? A flawless and perfect Yamato? Mei had a lot of things to work on too, maybe not as evident as this college incident but Yamato tolerated a lot of stuff that in my opinion, were actually wrong from Mei that were exactly at the same level of the college incident.

    givenls June 29, 2021 11:16 pm

    i think people have a right to hate on yamato, he did do the right thing afterwards but as readers people are going to dislike what he did. yeah it’s normal to face these incidents in real life relationships but him not telling her right away was wrong. his character was flawed and so was mei but i think that his character would’ve been perfectly flawed without that whole mini storyline, the manga itself isn’t that realistic and it’s not realistic for men to entertain women unless there’s a certain amount of attraction lost to their wife/ s/o. as a conclusión people have a right to feel away and dislike his character for what happened. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    givenls June 29, 2021 11:27 pm

    i do like his character tho!

    Nidka June 30, 2021 12:29 am

    Yeah, I know they have the right. To be honest, I didn't like it that much either but is something that happens, we are humans and naturally, we are going to meet people who we might feel attracted to but it doesn't mean that we will want more...
    Well there's a fine line between the both but that's how it works in my opinion. I guess I just wanted a bit more of understanding for him since Mei wasn't perfect either and did things that in my opinion were worst sometimes.