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the seme didn't respect the uke's identity.... that's a huge turn off

lilith42 July 20, 2016 4:58 pm

the seme didn't respect the uke's identity.... that's a huge turn off

    Anonymous July 23, 2016 8:56 am

    You have a point, and it would be valid in reality, but it's fantasy. I have a problem with the way yaoi portrays consent in general, but that's because I have a problem with it in reality (yes, its important, stop defending a-holes).
    And yet, what we want in fantasy is not reality. Its to feel safe even when we are in 'danger' and to feel heard when we don't speak, or even when we protest (Communication - verbal or body - doesn't work this way youngsters. You aren't a mind reader, why would anyone else be?)
    I'm not trying to put you down for your opinion, I like the fact that we can bring up these topics here, I'm just reminding you, and everyone who may overreact to your stance, that this is a fantasy.
    Chill out and keep your head.

    KyoZaNa✿ August 5, 2016 7:17 am

    I somehow agree with you.. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    KyoZaNa✿ August 5, 2016 7:30 am

    I've ever seen historical BL novel, for some reason the Uke's raised as a gal, the most beautiful one of a town too. The Seme found out & still loved him, let him choose to dress as guy or gal after they eloped.. Just let be what he wants, not because others want.

    Bitch-chan January 7, 2017 1:11 am

    Right?? I hated that! Why did he even go after him if he didn't like him how he is?


    I think the fact that he didn't accept the uke's identity is because the uke's obviously running away from his previous personality like when the seme said "you'd go to so far as to becoming an okama to change who you are" so for the seme to accept him would ruin the whole plot I'm guessing he just wanted the uke to love himself a bit more and not run away from who he used to be for some unknown reason but it's not like he doesn't like his "Sammy" character. Rip