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Bro Wtf

Alex June 16, 2021 6:30 pm

I would break up on the spot if my partener got their ass fucked by some random dude. That's cheating tf. Also , how do you not realize that getting your ass fucked by a random person is wrong and it is considered cheating ? He refused to let his boyfriend do it but a random person is okay ? What the actual fuck

    Babycatto June 29, 2021 7:57 pm

    Yo which chapter is that? I will skip it. Idc if I missed something important. I dont want to see any NTR in front of my fucking eyes

    Alex June 29, 2021 9:05 pm
    Yo which chapter is that? I will skip it. Idc if I missed something important. I dont want to see any NTR in front of my fucking eyes Babycatto

    It's deadass first chapter. So you can read until he sees the doctor on a book in a store and then skip to chapter 2.