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Rio's feelings for Kuzumi doesn’t feel genuine, tbh. It feels like he is still hung over...

Spring June 16, 2021 7:29 pm

Rio's feelings for Kuzumi doesn’t feel genuine, tbh. It feels like he is still hung over Kido. This kind of left a bitter after-taste. "You are the one I am trying to hold onto, Kido". After 3 volumes, that line kind of destroys the entire premise of the story.

    Tai June 26, 2021 12:49 pm

    holding onto someone doesnt mean romantically, he means he wants kido to stay in his life, obviously that doesnt mean wanting them to be lovers again. maintaining friendships is effort, esp in adulthood. he doesnt want kido to fade out of his life completely but also he said this before running into haruhiko again and the entirety of zoku is about rio finally putting his whole heart and effort into his relationship with haruhiko. ur taking his vague statement about holding onto a person way too literally as being about romance when his actual love confessions have been to a diff man. its not like he's being vague to both. he's been very clear by the end of zoku. but kido is still in his life because thats a thing that can happen and doesnt invalidate rio's love or relationship with haruhiko. like u can have an important relationships with more than one person at a time and not all important relationships are romance and not all love is based in romantic/erotic feelings. like...cmon now.

    Onii-xan July 9, 2021 3:48 pm

    Yes,like she said( ̄へ ̄)(/ ̄(エ) ̄)/

    Spring July 9, 2021 5:37 pm
    holding onto someone doesnt mean romantically, he means he wants kido to stay in his life, obviously that doesnt mean wanting them to be lovers again. maintaining friendships is effort, esp in adulthood. he doe... Tai

    C'mon now. The "you are THE one" still does not sit right with me. A paragraph is not going to change what that line made me feel. That line was worded horribly if that's what it meant. What effort? The entire time Haruhiko was the one putting in effort. I did NOT feel Rio's sincerity.

    Tai July 9, 2021 10:34 pm
    C'mon now. The "you are THE one" still does not sit right with me. A paragraph is not going to change what that line made me feel. That line was worded horribly if that's what it meant. What effort? The entire ... Spring

    i was not debating your feelings. which are irrelevant to me. i was discussing the work itself. you suggested that One line in the story, upends and erases a story that took place over 3 seperate volumes. if thats how you FEEL well i cant say anything about that, and i have no interest in changing anyone's mind about how something made them feel. but i disagree with your /interpretation/ of the text and with your critique of the author's intent. but it is just me disagreeing, its just discussion. you are taking both this story and my opinion on the story differing from yours way too personally. whether or not you felt rio's sincerity isnt rly a fault of the story itself if most people were able to understand it. and i felt your read on his words completely ignores the context they exist in and also is a product of somewhat narrow minded thinking about how love or relationships should or do work. but ultimately you feel how you feel and thats ok. it doesnt really affect me. but seeing/reading others perspectives on the same thing u read shouldnt feel like a challenge to your feelings. its just a counterpoint. another point of view. not an argument. have a nice day~

    Onii-xan July 9, 2021 11:38 pm

    Yep, like she just said

    Spring July 10, 2021 6:26 am
    i was not debating your feelings. which are irrelevant to me. i was discussing the work itself. you suggested that One line in the story, upends and erases a story that took place over 3 seperate volumes. if th... Tai

    Well, to each to their own. Just like you said, it was my own interpretation, just like how you interpreted my interpretion was narrow minded. Many people in the entirety of the 3 volumes did question Rio's sincerity, just like how many people felt it. Which is why I think the author was unable to convey what they meant or wanted with the story and characters. Maybe it's because both of us belong from two very different cultures, how we view friendships or relationships are very different from each other. Maybe that's why this piece of work in general didn’t really sit right with me.

    IYA♡ December 21, 2023 3:21 pm

    honestly reading that line ruined everything for me. the next lines of rio to kuzumi didn't feel genuine at all and i couldn't find myself squealing coz that that line he said.