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Finding a manga

Just reading at 3 am June 17, 2021 7:51 am

Umm I was reading a manga halfway and I forgot the name. The basic plot is 2 guys were childhood friends and they got separated. One has blonde hair, the other had black hair. The blonde guy was a noble. I think the black hair guy was a merchant's son. They were reunited at boarding school. They shared a dorm room. But the black haired guy's parents business was bankrupt or something and he couldn't go to school. The blonde hair guy went to his house and wanted to confess to him. But he fail. After a few days, he went to try again, but there was a earthquake. He thought the black haired guy might be dead. I read until there only. if anyone knows the manta's name , could you pls tell me?
I wanna continue reading it. Pls I wanna see if they end up together
