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I seem to be one of the only ones, but I love Yuri. He's a total ass but I love how sassy ...

KLeeLee11 June 17, 2021 12:51 pm

I seem to be one of the only ones, but I love Yuri. He's a total ass but I love how sassy & filthy he is, he's like an assassin darting in with a quick dagger in the back, over & over again. He makes me laugh.

Yuri could to much kinder to Teacher (having a mind blank on his name, sorry), absolutely. I feel that Teacher is so deeply depressed & doesn't really have anyone around him. Yuri is that person who sees Teacher & his downward spiral, & keeps an eye on him in his own way. I think Teacher could easily become invisible in his life & fall further & further into a dark place never to return. So even though Yuri's approach is pretty terrible, he's already vitally important.

Just my thoughts, don't know if i explained it well. Thank you for the update!

    I love Getou Suguru June 17, 2021 1:52 pm

    Yes exactly, what the teacher needs right now is someone to keep a track on him and Yuri is terrible at it. But as you said, he's doing that in his own way, if it weren't for Yuri , teacher would be drifting away in depression to a point where he would actually have no hope of returning