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TLDR; How was the cheating situation resolved?

apothepug June 17, 2021 5:36 pm

So I've already been spoiled that one of the MCs will cheat. Question is, how was the cheating resolution handled? Was it satisfying? I despise cheating but I can take it if the resolution was great and if it allowed both of the characters (not just the one who cheated lol) to move forward happily.

I don't mind seeing a realistic approach as well, where the trust of the one who was cheated on slowly crumbled even after the "resolution", and the cheater tries his best to do everything in his power to reassure his partner.

Basically, how would you rate the cheating resolutuon?

    whyarewehere June 26, 2021 10:42 pm

    they separate for a long time towards the beginning, even though they are still talking one of them is basically miserable and having small hookups, it’s not a big plot line because you could barely call them dating. they talk about it when they reunite and it doesn’t cause any issues. i despise cheating a lot too so trust me, it’s clear !!!