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YukiNe June 18, 2021 9:05 pm

I LOVE THE CHARACTERS (except fucking Jayce and Dillon. Die bitches).

Aiden is such an independent bean, I love him. Mason, you cutie, you have been wronged so much. DANIEL ┗( T﹏T )┛ MY BABY! BOTH AIDEN AND MASON THINK NEGATIVELY OF YOU WHEN IT'S A MISUNDERSTANDING AND THOSE BITCHES' FAULT. Daniel is such a sweet guy, I can't believe Dillon did that. Also, PLEASE AIDEN AND MASON, RECONCILE AND CLEAR UP THE MISUNDERSTANDING WITH DANIEL (/TДT)/ ╥﹏╥ Chris is such a mama, I love him.

    Angelina June 20, 2021 9:13 pm

    I feel you! Why is everyone trying to ruin them :(