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i have a really really bad feeling about this.. somehow i think she is also gold digger an...

lonergirl July 26, 2016 10:09 am

i have a really really bad feeling about this.. somehow i think she is also gold digger and she and her boyfriend will fuck him up. and later that will turn out in some kind of horror.

    none August 14, 2016 6:39 pm

    I'm already starting to not like that lazy ass bitch. All she does is set around all day and use her beauty. I also don't understand why she likes the gangsters boyfriend more than her nice boyfriend who is clearly better looking than her ex, who doesn't have a job a home not even a phone to call her with. Something is really wrong with that girl . Where they do that at. (⊙…⊙ )

    lonergirl August 15, 2016 10:01 am
    I'm already starting to not like that lazy ass bitch. All she does is set around all day and use her beauty. I also don't understand why she likes the gangsters boyfriend more than her nice boyfriend who is c... none

    Korean adult comics are really fucked up, that what i learned reading them. and i wont read that kind of shit again.