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Is he accidentally saying things out loud or can the seme read minds tf

ehhhhh June 19, 2021 11:17 am

Is he accidentally saying things out loud or can the seme read minds tf

    OnyxtheCookie June 19, 2021 11:19 am

    Uke is a bit dumb, so I think the 1st option is more possible imo. Imagine how embarrassing it must be. Hope it never happens to me omg (⊙…⊙ )

    ehhhhh June 20, 2021 10:10 am
    Uke is a bit dumb, so I think the 1st option is more possible imo. Imagine how embarrassing it must be. Hope it never happens to me omg (⊙…⊙ ) OnyxtheCookie

    exactly my feelings