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LOVED the main couple! Loved that the FL went to tell him about the pregnancy, instead of ...

SayerSong June 19, 2021 5:42 pm

LOVED the main couple! Loved that the FL went to tell him about the pregnancy, instead of hiding it, that they were ONLY SEPARATED 10 DAYS before they BOTH realized they needed to at least TALK, and that they SAW the issues, admitted to them, as well as to their own culpabilities to the issues, and faced them head on!

The one thing I DIDN'T like? ... Okay, here goes the rant on Karmela....

I am sorry, but NO. One does NOT change SO FRIGGIN EASILIY. She was a vile, vicious person, and that doesn't MIRACULOUSLY CHANGE because of the "RIGHT PERSON" LOVING YOU! And the fact that this is NOT the only Harlequin or STORY OF ANY KIND that seems to perpetuate this myth PISSES ME OFF. It is a TOXIC belief that can get people killed in REAL LIFE because they believe the romance of stories where someone violent, stalker-ish or otherwise dangerous, can be "changed" by the love of a good person. And while that may be true in EXTREMELY RARE occasions, it is, for the most part, UNEQUIVOCALLY FALSE. People don't change that easily and NOT without a LOT of work. And while the presence of loved ones and significant others, CAN and DOES HELP, that presence and love, in and of itself, is NOT enough. And as mentioned, it takes a HELL of a lot longer than just a couple of months. Nope. I am not buying Karmela's redemption AT ALL. At least NOT without seeing her go through MASSIVE issues in a story of her own, where she is about to literally lose EVERYTHING to gain her sudden change of heart status. The fact that she had no qualms about ridding herself of her unborn child in such a cruel and vile manner (please note: I am not trying be be pro-life here, btw, and am not using this as a pro-life OR pro-choice argument), just to ruin someone else's life because he rejected her, shows how little she cares for anyone other than herself. And that is NOT someone who is easily going to suddenly TRULY fall in love with someone else. This woman will ALWAYS be a danger to whomever she dates, marries, or births! She is a psychopath, plain and simple.
