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Don’t know … I thought we were heading to a psycho BL with a cute yandere and a secret...

Mahk971 June 20, 2021 2:40 pm

Don’t know … I thought we were heading to a psycho BL with a cute yandere and a secretive yankee, with each of them hiding something from the other but it turned out it wasn’t like that at all.

Come one, the top even had crazy eyes and what he did with the sandwiches was weird asf.
Felt like the author didn’t want to go that way after chap 3 and just changed the tone mid way

    MachaaTaroo June 22, 2021 5:08 pm

    Agreed. On my first read, the red herrings just took all the intrigue and ran away with it. Reading back, there were subtler clues of the actual ending, but my problem was why even have the red herrings when the story can do fine without it anyways.

    The story was simple enough that it didn't need red herrings, and yet the author added it in anyways. For me, it took away some of the more emotional beats in the story because my mind was pre-occupied with thinking of what it meant and what it'll add to the story. Apparently nothing.

    This story would've done well without it, now that I can see the clues more clearly. It was just heavily overshadowed by those red herrings (and some left questions that are unanswered).