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Why so much hate on the Seme? Well he's a bit strange (the part that he wants the Uke to c...

Mandra July 30, 2016 12:29 am

Why so much hate on the Seme? Well he's a bit strange (the part that he wants the Uke to cry, but he didn't mean it in a bad way) and said something horrible, but he apologised and he loves the Uke so much. And to be serious, everyone saw a much worse Seme. This one is definitely not the best and not the worst. Plus Yuu likes him and no one can do anything. And look at the good part, he isn't one of those jerks who cheats on the Uke, those one are a lot worse than the Seme from this one. So if you don't like the Seme then don't read this manga, because no one can change the way the Seme is.

    Anonymous July 29, 2016 9:28 pm

    Very true. We've all seen worse. xD Like ohdeargod.

    Chloeliane July 29, 2016 11:29 pm

    He did rape the Uke. In their past Yuu told him to stop and the Seme didn't, and seriously injured him. this is rape. (This is a legal definition by the way.)
    This IS far more worst than cheating.

    Mandra July 30, 2016 12:29 am
    He did rape the Uke. In their past Yuu told him to stop and the Seme didn't, and seriously injured him. this is rape. (This is a legal definition by the way.)This IS far more worst than cheating. Chloeliane

    It's rape, but at the same time it isn't, because Yuu initiated it, but it's the Seme's fault for not stopping nor apologising. But the Uke getting raped by the Seme appears in some quite popular manga like "Hidoku Shinaide" or "Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata". Just enjoy the story after the rape when everything will be fluffy and lovely (if this will happen with this manga). Well rape is rape, but this manga has drama in it so it can't be fluffy from the start and I think it's pretty interesting how this manga is developing. But we don't need to argue if the Seme is a jerk or not, because people are different and everyone has their opinion. If you want I know a manga that has both: rape and cheating. Well rape or cheating, both of them are bad!

    Chloeliane July 30, 2016 1:17 am

    I know, and that's why I'm still reading it, some manga may begin with rape but can still be fluffy and cute (not realistic a bit but well I would rather see some fluff than a real trauma... Even if it's still better when there is no rape).
    My problem here is that the seme don't seem to understand the trauma the Uke is facing, and that kinda piss me off...
    Furthermore, even if I think than cheating is wrong, I will never compare it to rape ! Rape is a crime, cheating is not. Rape's victim are dealing with trauma for their whole life. I don't mean than you can't be hurt when you're being cheating on, but that is still on a completly different level than rape...
    I don't wanna argue about the Seme or the story, but I'm hurt to see that some people seem to think that rape isn't a big deal, that's all...

    Mandra July 31, 2016 12:28 am

    I know that rape leaves traumas behind and I agree with you that it's better without rape. And I too think that the Seme is stupid for not understanding the trauma the Uke is facing, and to be honest it bothers me too. Well for this I have to agree with you that rape is worse and the person who is being raped will suffer a lot from this. And I could never say that rape that rape isn't a big deal.

    Mandra August 27, 2019 6:08 pm

    Man was I dumb back then