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Mm, I missed this :')

SnazzyGxat June 20, 2021 5:05 pm

I finally caught up to where I left off (tho there wasn't much I needed to catch up on anyway) I hope this gets more updates soon- And I don't know why people are getting mad at the mc, but I respECT him. He's got a lot of spunk and it's interesting reading through his past.

He does things out of pure goodwill; he's not stupid. Sure, he's reckless, but he ended up saving lives because of those reckless acts. He has a lot of weight on his shoulders as it is; no one can understand how much pressure he feels when he's put in life-threatening situations or when he sees someone he loves put in harm's way. He even deals with the pain of dying from time to time, and that is heavy as it is.

I know y'all think he's weak and idiotic, but if you look more closely at him and try to understand him you'll come to appreciate him. We haven't been in his situation so I don't think we have the right to judge him negatively as a person, not as a character (tho I guess that sounds kinda stupid).
