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hes in gr. 8 n they r already having sex. Great.

Miikeu July 30, 2016 5:55 am

hes in gr. 8 n they r already having sex. Great.

    Aiteal March 23, 2017 8:46 pm

    i'm always at loss with the grade!
    In France it doesn't work like that so i don't know what their ages are?
    for us, it's Maternel= kindergarten (3-6 YO), primaire= primary school (6-11YO),
    collège=middle school (11-15YO) and after lycée=high school (15+ YO)
    and we don't talk about grade but small section, moyen section, big section in kindergarten etc..
    So where is grade 8??? is it for 8 Years old or something else? :/

    Anna August 20, 2017 10:05 pm

    according to this ( they should be around 13/14 years old. Which is still quite young for sex though in my opinion, it could be worse lol I thought they were younger because of the way the art makes them look