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Hello everyone, I need help finding a manga. Idk if it even exists or if I just dreamed of...

SugarySuga July 30, 2016 6:04 pm

Hello everyone, I need help finding a manga. Idk if it even exists or if I just dreamed of it (lol) but I'll ask anyways. So the uke wants to date his tutor (or was it teacher?), but the tutor/teacher says that he won't date the uke unless he gets full marks on his exams. So the uke studies suupper hard, and the seme invites him over to his house to 'study' but they get side tracked and have sex. The uke gets upset, because he thinks that the seme invited him over to distract him from his studies so that the uke won't get full marks. But in the end, the uke gets full marks anyways.
Any help at all will be appreciated!
