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Chill out

Nata June 21, 2021 4:02 am

Slapping the boobs is not hurt coz mostly the boobs are fat bigger the boobs is mean more fat in there. But if u slap like a mad mf you deserve a punch on the face.

    nicetomeetyou-eiji June 21, 2021 4:19 am

    I have big boobs and once somebody smack my boob, it left a tear in my face,, so I guess it kinda depends on the person, not in the size(srry if it doesnt understand, english is not my 1rs lenguaje)

    Nata June 22, 2021 5:15 pm
    I have big boobs and once somebody smack my boob, it left a tear in my face,, so I guess it kinda depends on the person, not in the size(srry if it doesnt understand, english is not my 1rs lenguaje) nicetomeetyou-eiji

    Smack the boobs they deserve a punch from me coz smacking more rough than slapping