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To ppl who wants to read this, but are not so sure they should because of comments below, ...

Gr8Pio June 21, 2021 4:14 pm

To ppl who wants to read this, but are not so sure they should because of comments below, just give it a try, it's good story in my opinion, very realistic, it shows that those characters are just like us real humans, far from perfect, sometimes stupid, making mistakes in their daily lives, they have faults, insecurities, scars and flaws.
BTW comment about Yamato... Omg you guys must be real snowflakes reading only vanilla stories, and eating bland pasta ^^
What he did was stupid for sure, but don't act like he killed someone, I bet that because of those comments few ppl decided to not read this manga, and it's a shame, because it's definitely worth reading.
I also waited a long time to read this story, because I didn't like the art, but at some point I decided to finally give it a try, and now it's my 5th time reading it, this art is not very good to be honest, but now I seriously like it, it's quite different, and it have it's own charm.

So to conclude...
Don't let negative comments throw you away from this manga, it's definitely not a masterpiece, but for sure it is worth reading!

    Inkkk July 8, 2021 12:40 pm

    Right? I really enjoyed it. I'm so glad I just dived right in and didn't read the comments beforehand (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Gr8Pio July 8, 2021 1:09 pm
    Right? I really enjoyed it. I'm so glad I just dived right in and didn't read the comments beforehand (▰˘◡˘▰) Inkkk

    Yeah sometimes comments can save U from reading some shitty story, like anagura amelie, but most of the time snowflakes are just bitchin, and crying about some minor stuff that isn't in their rly small comfort zone.