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sunday June 21, 2021 4:59 pm

Honestly feel like people are too harsh on the sister. Her brother literally suffered for 7 years of course she would be protective of him and yall act like she is actively blocking their relationship when all she did was just remind Lee Kang what he did and to try and make him realize the reality of the situation. As for Lee Kang himself, based on the comments, it seems like he is actually shittier in those 7 years in the novel so In just hoping this dont go down easy.

    BL Sugio June 21, 2021 9:59 pm

    Is the novel are English translation?

    BL Sugio June 21, 2021 9:59 pm

    Can I have the link?

    sunday June 22, 2021 6:42 am
    Can I have the link? BL Sugio

    havent found it yet just have read a bit from other commenters sorry