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How to get notified of new chapters of certain mangas?

Hedda Klimt June 21, 2021 10:42 pm

Hello! I'm not new to the site but I've never known how to get notified that my mangas got new updates. Could someone help?

    SirElliotis June 21, 2021 10:46 pm

    When you finish reading it there should be 3 options below the paragraph that says you've come to the end. The 3 options should say:
    want to read
    Already read
    Then you click the reading one if you're still reading it/its still ongoing/incompete
    The already read if you finished
    And want to read if you...want to read it.

    I hope this wasnt to confusing ╥﹏╥

    Bassam June 21, 2021 10:53 pm
    When you finish reading it there should be 3 options below the paragraph that says you've come to the end. The 3 options should say:want to readReadingAlready readThen you click the reading one if you're still ... SirElliotis

    To add to this, if you choose reading or already read, you automatically get notifications.