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Im really not on manga side (what?! LOL) i mean, i prefer watching anime. Demon slayer was...

nsfw June 22, 2021 12:13 am

Im really not on manga side (what?! LOL) i mean, i prefer watching anime. Demon slayer was the very first anime I've watched and it was so good. It has 26 eps and they've made a movie as a little bit of continuation. But it was freakinh cliff hanger. I've search it here anddddd ivee found it. I thought I'll get tired, unmotivated, and bored reading it here but it was such a chef's kiss. Thank you so much for the creator, i may not say this to u in person but i know there are a lot of ppl who gives u love and support. This series is soooo goooodddd! After all the hardship u gave us a happy ending. Thankk you! My heart is fragule and weak lol, so i cried a lot in every chap especially the last one. Thank you!
