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Seyoung do not quit your job over Taebong's lying ass (/TДT)/ I'm glad he and Jang Mir...

8bitfuji August 3, 2016 2:45 pm

Seyoung do not quit your job over Taebong's lying ass (/TДT)/ I'm glad he and Jang Miro are together, but I hope Seyoung is able to get some retribution for putting up with this clueless couple.

    .... August 4, 2016 3:00 pm

    She may be able to get a better job somewhere else. Never know

    SamuraiSx August 5, 2016 12:22 am

    did you read it at all?! she said she went for that job only because of Taebong. which means she did job she didn't like. she's stupid gosh.